But then something exciting happens - they learn they actually CAN. When they open their minds and consider some of the amazing solutions available, they realize that with some change, modification and assistance, they can regain parts of their old selves again. And, best of all, create new parts of self. Unfortunately we also see another scenario quite often - customers who learn about amazing solutions, realize the possibilities available to them but still don't take action.
As many of you know, I have been legally blind since childhood. As founder of Vision Dynamics and a public speaker, I have had the opportunity to meet and talk with so many people with low vision, spanning decades in age. I've noticed a common theme amongst the ones who do not want to proactively adjust their lives and who find themselves constantly complaining about their condition - that is mindset. They are plagued with the "I Can't" negative self-talk. I often ask them to consider whether they CAN'T or they WON'T and to truly think about the difference between the two terms.

If you have something in your life that you find yourself consistently complaining about - whether it's your vision, your job, a relationship, money, or anything else, it's time to tell yourself that "enough is enough." It is time to convert your thinking to the "I CAN" mindset. You can do something about it. You can make healthy decisions and beneficial choices, even if it requires adjusting to some change. And if people close to you are suffering from a case of the "I Can'ts," then encourage them take action to help them find solutions and embrace the changes that are for the positive. Change can be scary and uncomfortable, but the payoff can be sweet.
If there's one thing you CAN'T do this month, it's force your team to win the NCAA brackets. That's up to sheer luck. But if there's something you CAN do this month, it's to determine what the proverbial pot of gold is at the end of your rainbow and take the first steps toward reaping the rewards. May March bring you great happiness.
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