What you focus on grows. By fixating on what you do not like, you usually get more of it.I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t want to hear the negative "poor me’s." Among the common complaints I have heard just recently are:My boss is a jerk.
I do not like my job.
Taxes are killing me.
I don't have enough time to work out or cook.
I never have time to eat a healthy meal.
Gas prices are too high.
My parents are a pain in the butt.
And the list goes on...
I was once a first class complainer. It all started with my Eye Disease. Eventually it snowballed and everything else became the problem - everything except me.
So next time you find yourself complaining, take a moment to see if you can provide your own solution. If you are cold, ask yourself "Can I just put on some warmer clothes or turn on my fireplace? Can I run in place or do something to increase my heart rate and circulation?" The bottom line is you can always do something. Complainers would rather not because they like sitting on the problem. In my opinion, if you live in this great country and are alive and breathing to read this, then it's time to put your complaints in perspective.
Now throw on an extra sweater and get going! Just like the blind guy in the picture above who is out for a winter hike and feeling grateful for everything he DOES have.

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