It's time to do a little self-gardening. It's time to plant your own seeds of change so that you can grow a beautiful healthy mind and soul. The steps on the packet are pretty simple:
1. Plant your seed - a thought, a decision, a goal or a dream. What seed do you want to sow? How big do you hope it will grow?
2. Feed your garden with plenty of water and healthy plant food. This is crucial for proper physical and emotional development of your seedling.
3. Pull the weeds - anything that can suffocate, overgrow or hinder the development of your seed. Negative thoughts, supportive people and unhealthy environments will all stunt the seed's growth.
4. Give your seed plenty of sunlight - get outside and surround yourself with love, light and laughter.

Follow these steps daily, and I can almost guarantee your seed will mature and bloom more beautifully than you ever expected! Humans are very much like the gardens we tend to. We can plant a seed within ourselves, but if we don't take daily nurturing action to promote healthy growth, we will never reap the rewards. By taking daily action, your goal, dream or vision will materialize into fruitful success. Here at Vision Dynamics, we try to be gardeners of personal growth whenever possible. We see people come into the store every day who have been given incorrect or limited information about their eye condition. While glasses may be unable to help anymore, there is so much more available. We can help plant the seed of change and hope, but it still needs to be nurtured and tended to in order to develop.
If you have the willingness, there is always a way. So what will you plant this month?
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