I was recently reading an article by
a doctor that was repackaging information and making it seem like his
own. If you know me, you probably already know I am not a fan of
textbook teachers with no "real world" experience. It is like taking a
class on how to start your own business and the teacher is teaching you
out of a book. Most times they have never actually started a business.
Let me tell you I have started three businesses and there is not a
textbook out there that I could have followed. I have read many
published books on startup businesses. Yes they have given me some
helpful direction, but they did not spell out the knowledge that, in
hindsight, would have been most important. 

I like the blunt truth, whether the results are positive or negative. "Hey, this is what I did and this is the outcome I achieved." Despite the outcome, the honesty will always help move me in the direction of achieving my Vision. To me, sharing your experience, rather than your book-learned understanding, means you now have something vital to transmit.
You cannot transmit something you do not have. It reminds me of many people who give us advice that we should improve our lives - but they are not doing it themselves. Next time you choose to transmit knowledge and advice to a friend, coworker or family member, ask yourself whether your transmission will provide value. If it is not based on your experience, perhaps the "advice" shouldn't be shared.
Living in the information age has enabled us not to think and "just Google it." My experience has taught me that if I sit and ask the right questions in a quiet place, I can usually get a lot more than Google can provide. Of course if you are looking how to boil and egg, by all means consult Google. But if you want to live a life of purpose, look inside.
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