- Believing in yourself is a choice.
- The past is the past and should remain there.
- Your level of self confidence is no one else's fault or responsibility.
- Beliefs are very powerful - If you think you can or can’t, you’re right.
- "I can’t" is the most powerful source of negation tool in your body. It disempowers you.
- We are all smart enough to do what we want to do.
- Always act as if the seemingly impossible is possible.
- Negative beliefs are lies in disguise.
- We have 80 to 100,000 thoughts per day. 85% of them involve the past. 80% of them are negative. If you give negative thoughts any power, they will take control over you. You control your percentages.
- Make a decision and follow through with action.
- Believing in yourself is more important than knowledge. The application of knowledge is power.
- We shouldn’t worry about what other people think of us. People are far more concerned about themselves than they are about you. An evil, corroding and crippling fear is to do anything in life and worry about what people are thinking of you. People have stopped themselves from doing so much in life because they are too afraid of what other people will think about them. In reality, people are thinking about their own lives.
- We are all equal.
At Vision Dynamics, our goal is to encourage people to embrace their freedom and introduce them to tools to read and live independently again. But the real tool lies in your thoughts and whether you choose freedom. Happy July, everyone!
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