Over 35 years later, I can proudly declare that I have legal blindness...BUT I also have clear vision. Many of you have heard me say, "We don’t see with our eyes, we see with our brains." Where does clear vision come from? Our thinking and visualizing. Fear is a form of blindness, it darkens the bright spots in our minds which prevents us from taking action to help ourselves. If you can’t see yourself overcoming whatever obstacle is currently blocking you in your life, then you have a "blind spot." This blind spot is not caused by your eyes. There are easy ways to identify your own blind spots. Do you find yourself thinking "I can't," "I'll never be able to," "I'm bad at this," etc? Those are just statements of justification hidden in these darkened blind spots.
I happen to know many fully sighted people who I consider blind, they stay stuck in the problem and focus on its magnitude rather than a solution. Learn to brighten the mental blind spots and your sight may actually prevail over someone who has perfect eyesight. By asking the right questions and seeing yourself overcoming obstacles that life throws at you – you will be able to move towards a solution. Once your vision is clear, the possibilities are endless.