You can thrive, not just survive, and create a wonderful holiday season this year. You just need to do 4 things.
- Keep your expectations rational
- Take care of yourself
Take control of your time and limit your commitments
Embrace your family and friends
These tips will help you reduce stress, relax, and breeze through the holiday season feeling grounded and in control.
Rational Expectations:
The most important contributors to a happy holiday season are the expectations you create in your own mind. You can't make them perfect - People get sick, recipes flop, and family members don't always get along.
Coworkers aren't always kind to each other.
You don't have to have the perfect party, perfectly behaved children, or the most beautifully decorated home. Give yourself a break. You will b happy you did.
Take Care of Yourself:
Taking care of your physical and mental health is the single most important aspect of creating holiday health and happiness.
Eat healthy. When you eat better you feel better and you have more energy.
Take some time during your day to relax and breath. It can be as simple as enjoying a hot cup of tea and focusing on what is going well.
The more relaxed and confident you are the higher your self esteem will be.
Don't try to diet during the holidays, it will make you feel like a failure and ruin the festive nature of parties and celebration.
Time and Limit your Commitments:
Why does every new program or process at work have to start on January 1st? With this starting date in mind, your holiday season will always be a nightmare of over-commitment. You are already rushing with the normal holiday happenings. Why roll out a new process to complicate the holiday season and raise your level of work-related stress?
You are in charge of the number of commitments you make. You don't have to hold a party at your home or say yes to every one you are invited to. You can even schedule a party in February instead and wait till the craziness of the holidays have settled down.
Enjoy Family and Friends:
Spend the time of your life with the people you love. Make sure you don't spend the holidays trying to save the world and please those around you. Instead share laughter and memories. Take time for personal reflection. Start a new tradition or follow through with old ones. Focus on what is right and going well instead of what is not. Be grateful for who is in your life instead of dwelling on who is not.
No matter what holiday you celebrate, these tips will make them happier, healthier, and more fun. Please accept our wishes for a happy healthy season for you and yours.